Nylon Guitarist

The Wild Rover

Irish pub song

The Wild Rover




Video Details

The Wild Rover

Artist: Sal Bonavita.

Playing time: 3.01
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The Wild Rover

Although "The Wild Rover" is considered to be an Irish folk song, some people believe it originated in Scotland around 1830. It became popular in America and started appearing in song books soon after this. In the early days it was supposed to be a so called "temperance song", to teach drinking in moderation. But most people these days think of it as a full on drinking sing.


Lyrics and chords

D                                            G    

I've been a Wild Rover for many a year 


And I've spent all my money on whiskey and beer 

D                                             G     

But now I'm returning with money in store 


And I never will play the Wild Rover no more. 




And it's no, nay, never 

D                    G    

No nay never no more 

       D                G    

Will I play the Wild Rover 


No never, no more. 


I went to a tavern that I used to frequent 

And I told the landlady my money was spent 

I asked her for a credit, she answered me "nay" 

“Such as custom like yours, I can find any day!" 




Then out of my pockets I took sovereigns bright 

And the landlady's eyes opened wide with delight 

She said, "I’ve got whiskey, and wines of the best, 

And the words that I spoke, sure were only in jest!" 




I'll go home to my parents, confess what I’ve done 

And ask them to pardon their prodigal son 

And then they’ll forgive me as they’ve done before 

And I never will play the Wild Rover no more. 






No never, no more. 

No never, no more. 




  Nylon Guitarist


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