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Rafael Marin - flamenco guitar method (1902)
31mb (255 pages)
Is this the earliest known flamenco guitar method? I think so. The word on the street is that Ramon Montoya learned a thing or two from this book. Rafael Marin had studied with the great classical guitar master Francisco Tarrega. An interesting thing is that five note tremolo has been credited to Ramon Montoya but this book provides evidence that this technique was used before he made a name for himself as a flamenco master and pioneer. Give credit where credit is due I say.
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Rafael Marín, the guitarist and theorist who never was (or so some wished)
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Guitar without a master (1859)
3.8mb (70 pages)
This is what guitar instruction books used to look like. There was no tabs, Guitar Pro or audio CDs inside the cover in those days. "Containing the elements of music, and complete instructions for the guitar, to which is added a choice collection of fifty pieces of popular music consisting of songs, marches, waltzes, polkas, dances, etc."

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Guckert's Complete Rapid Diagram Chord Book For The Guitar (1901)
1.3mb (32 pages)
This book is still on sale today. Anyone who has ever bought chord books will recognise that the neck diagragms in later puplications borrow ideas directly from this book.

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Picture chord encyclopedia - Hal Leonard - (2000)
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