Nylon Guitarist

4 stroke rasgueado - e a m i


4 stroke rasgueado - e a m i




Video Details

4 stroke rasgueado - e a m i

Playing time: 0.43
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4 stroke rasgueado - e a m i


4 stroke rasgueado - e a m i


The video shows:

rb1 A single e a m i 4 stroke rasgueado.

rb1 A single e a m i 4 stroke rasgueado followed by i strokes.

rb1 Multiple e a m i 4 stroke rasgueados played in a continuous sequence.


I should point out here that although playing e a m i continuously is obviously possible and sometimes useful, I rarely use this type continuous sequence. But that's just me. I find that putting the accented downbeat on the pinky finger (e) is not so easy to maintain as this is the weakest finger. If you want a more gutsy continuous 4 stroke sequence I recommend you use 4 stroke - i e a m


  Nylon Guitarist


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